Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Josh Hamilton Hits Tempe....


Certainly disappointing to see these pictures, but the funniest thing is listening to all the losers call in to radio shows saying they're 'angry.' What the hell does Hamilton owe to any of us? He's never asked for any attention and won the HR contest last year. So what? The only one w/ a right to say anything at all to him would be his family or his employer. Everyone questioning his integrity and Christianity is a farce, because (correct me if I'm wrong) Christians are not supposed to be perfect and were forgiven several thousand years ago.....that being the whole point.....

People that said they were pissed because were rooting for him were rooting for him because of what he had overcome and that inherent possibility that he'd slip up......which by the way, is much easier to do in Tempe, AZ than other places. Sunshine, skanks everywhere chasing the almighty dollar and fame so they don't have to finish their child care degrees at online college, and generally friendly people. I think perhaps Josh should train in Cleveland, where the temptation of doing body shots would be considerably less if the only willing participants tip the scales at over 300 lbs. By the way, the whores in these pictures should be ashamed. Ashamed that they're helping a recovering drunk fall off the wagon and that they're not laying it down for $1000 a pop in vegas or $10 a song at Babe's a couple miles away....

Anyway, people, get over yourselves and get a life. There must be something better for you to do than complain about this.....

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