Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts...

---Why are we subjected to another story about Patrick Witt's arrogance? Thoughts on this pansy:

1. PYB says his reason for transferring has more to do with him getting crushed against Clemson (the picture above is right before he got smoked) and nearly blowing the Gator Bowl than it did with his newfound love of academic rigor at Yale. We think Patrick got a true taste of Division I football and realized he wasn't up to the task. PYB, Patrick.

2. Why is there no mention of him losing his starting job at Yale? Maybe that's why he's 'gained anonymity', even as a football player. Because he sucks.

3. If he didn't want the attention of being an NU football player, why would he transfer between several high schools, like an egomaniacal baby without parents to smack some sense into him, until he found a place to play?

4. PYB feels sorry for anyone who thinks the college they attend makes them. College is what you make of it...on your own...no title or bullshit status will give you the golden ticket. We think that Warren Buffett did just fine after attending UNL. Maybe not as well as Eric Crouch, swingset salesman, but he did OK.

5. His assertion that some of his Yale teammates could play at Nebraska is just sour grapes. Maybe they could have played during the Santino Panico era, but no longer. Hell, he couldn't even make the field, that's why he left.

6. Maybe he did need more of a challenge academically, we do know that people who have airline pilots as parents are generally geniuses.

7. Finally, we were blessed with all the bullshit about him applying for an honors major in "Ethics, Politics and Economics" and that he is taking classes on the Political Philosophy of Abraham Lincoln, Readings in American Literature, and History of the French Revolution. Do you mean classes they offer at UNL, only with fancier titles?

This all reminds me of the scene in Good Will Hunting, where the fag from Harvard rambles on about the Keynesian economy. Well, hopefully, Witt pays attention in economics--because paying $47,000 a year for something you can get for free at the public library doesn't seem real economical here at PYB. How 'bout them apples?

---NU is supposedly discussing at least one football game with Boise State. Good. The games against teams like FAU are worthless.

---Last night's MNF game may have been the worst I've ever seen. No scoring in the first half. One offensive TD all game. Brady Quinn at QB, missing four-yard passes like he was Zac Lee. I was the one begging my wife to put in a movie, to no avail.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the Santino reference...could you please get the Legate family involved somehow in the near future.
