Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Studio Gangsters in Cincy

PYB loves all the coverage on the Cardinals/Reds "brawl." Way to push for seven minutes without throwing a punch? If they really hated each other, there'd be some swinging......weak.

Anyone thinking Taylor Martinez can start at QB this year watch this video. National title 'contenders' don't have quarterbacks who throw like a girl. And Shawn Watson still sucks.

Nice fire hose quote Coach Twatson. Corporate America would be proud. Talking a lot but not saying a damn thing. And it's no wonder Ben Cotton appreciates the indoor pratice--he was likely hungover.

What the fuck
? Cinnamon Toast Crunch/Milk? No clue.

Quick answer to Anthony West's question as to why he lost his starting job: he sucks and can't cover anyone at the CB spot. New regime...players play, stiffs ride the bench.

Hard hitting journalism here. PYB would have added one more question: "How did it feel to blow the Texas game for your team?"

Keep selling the company line Van Pelt, just don't ruin any more golf coverage. And Tiger, quit trying to crack jokes. You're a nerd and nerds aren't funny. And why is Tiger's shitty play due to his layoff? He's been back for more than four months? Phil Mickelson's layoff was nearly as long as Woods' and he's already got a major under his belt this season.