Sunday, July 11, 2010

Queen James...aka the Cowardly Cavalier...

Good takes here, courtesy of Rolling Stone. PYB, thank god, missed all the bullshit "Decision" and propaganda shows the past week during vacation, but we'll have more later. Of course, all we know is what you know. Lebron James is a fucking coward who couldn't lead his team to the promised land and wasn't willing to take any more scrutiny as he tried. Any future titles will have multiple asterisks behind them. He will never be mentioned in the same breath as Jordan, Bird, Magic, Olajuwon, Bryant, or even Kenny Fucking Smith! Have fun being ESPN's puppet. We will all have fun enjoying the "Greatest Trio Ever" this fall as they try to make their third NBA finals combined.

Once they ruin NCAA basketball's tournament and NCAA football with a playoff, the masterpiece will be complete--all of sports will be ruined.

And then there is this gem. Let us answer the questions posed by this genius:
1. Zero titles (Thanks to MJ, a true champion)
2. Zero titles

So, to make a long story short, the Cadavers were ringless before AND after the Queen's reign. They're not Detroit in more than one way...

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