Thursday, June 10, 2010

USC on Probation....Finally....

--We thought we'd never see the day. USC got busted. Finally. Five years later. Bandwagon getting lighter...already....freefalling.... PYB is not sure which is most surprising....

1. How little attention this got between the inception of the case and today's announcement.

2. The fact that Lane Kiffin isn't the one who put the Trojans on probation.

3. How big a weasel Pete Carroll has turned out to be, as he ran for the hills before the curtain fell on his overrated, Rah Rah act. Fuck you, Pete.

4. Keyshawn Johnson's crybaby act on ESPN this morning, claiming the Trojans will be back and getting all the recruits they want in no time. We'd expect nothing less than this from a career possession receiver with the ego of two real WRs put together. Sounded like a bigger gash than pictured above. The number of tears ESPN will shed this season as its golden child will be disgraced for several years to come will be amazing.

If they could have banned them from playing that annoying fucking song for a few years, that would be progress....

--Solid effort, Golden. Get a fucking life. At least Jeremiah Masoli got booted for robbery and drug possession....

--Congrats to a true football player as he calls it a career.

--Tom Izzo, please don't go. Please don't make this mistake. Lebron is a mirage in the desert, and so is NBA success. The only thing that give him a glimmer of hope is that he's not a complete egomaniac and snake like those before him--Mr. Calipari and Pitino, specifically.

--How is the crabgrass this year in Lincoln?