Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nebraska Bulls

PYB was hoping that the Nebraska women's basketball team would make it to the NCAA tournament undefeated, so that they could lose in the second round and fizzle out after all the overhype....proving only that Nebraskans are cheap motherfuckers who will attend any event, as long as they can get in the gate for $1 and a can of soup. Alas, the overhype has begun early, so look for the pending meltdown soon....

PYB's favorite quote of the article..."there were great athletes coming in droves...." Hilarious. Call us haters, but any sport where yours truly could start for 95% of the teams and be a major contributor is not worthy of coverage. Any sport where I could pull eight players from my daily pickup games who could win the national championship is not legitimate.

Meanwhile, let's talk about a shitty team in a real sport. The men's team, which Nebraskans don't support because it costs $8 a ticket and they're not nationally ranked. NU fans only support rated teams, because they have little self confidence and are too weak to tie themselves to a team that is not winning. NU is in the midst of a five-game run against rated teams and has a chance tonight to beat Baylor.

They have a good chance if they can recreate the effort they took to Lawrence last Saturday. But then again, there's that effort they put up against KSU last week. Either way, they're taking their lumps this year and it should (and must) pay off as a learning experience next season.

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