Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Woods Stumbles Again....

After another lackluster performance this weekend, Tiger Woods lost his FedEx Cup points lead. If it weren't for his final-round 64, the gap would be wider. As it stands, Steve Stricker leads 5606 to 4696. Woods went winless in the majors in 2009 and didn't win a tournament with a fully stocked field either. Take heart, Tiger, I'm sure the Frys.com Open will let you in for an easy win.



  1. Now he can't hold a lead OR come from behind...

    He's on his way to settling in with the likes of Ted Tryba, Mike Springer, Robert Damron and Olin Browne.

    Too bad the media will never let it happen! Before we could even witness Stricker break-down and squirt a few post-round tears, the top golf story was Tiger's "Michael Jordanesque performance!" I'm sorry...I never witnessed Jordan pouring in 18 4th quarter points, hit a buzzer-beater...only to lose by 9 points???

    He is average length (even though most telecasts will have you believe he is the longest guy in the Universe, what with his sculpted body that can bench 750lbs, dead lift a steam roller, and squat a small planet!) I can name at least 15 other touring pros who are longer than His Highness & I can name 140 others who can keep their drives in the same zip code. His game IS and has ALWAYS been about his putting...period! From the '97 Masters through the '08 Open...his putter is the one club that bails him out and saves his tournament. Actually, it stems back to his 3 US Shams...@ least 2 of which were won by his putter...just ask Steve Scott & Trip Kuehne. I know, I know Eldrick lovers would say, "What about the 5 iron from 220 out of the bunker over the lake @ Canadian Open...what about the 4 iron with the akward stance out of the bunker over the trees at The Wachovia, the 230 yd...blah, blah, blah...EVERY player has hit miraculous shots, but Eldrick makes the putt EVERYTIME! Until now...his luck has run out. It's time for a caddy switch, swing change, teacher change...something that will get the media worked into a lather to proclaim, 2010 WILL BE the Year of the Tiger!!!

    Here's to Stricker winning the FedEx Cup...getting a lucrative endorsement deal with Kleenex and winning Player of the Year.

  2. This all started after he got married, the injury was only a minor speed-bump, compared to the lingering thoughts of having the same vagina for the rest of his life.

  3. my hdcp is up almost 2 strokes since marriage....go figure...
