Friday, September 11, 2009


An excerpt from Tom Shatel's chat session Tom goes corporate with his answer, the real answer is "Yes, you are a fucking loser. You, and the KU/NU combo fans. As elite as you all act (apart from hoarding the $1 beer stand at the arena in the nation, just ahead of MSG), I'm surprised you aren't more concerned with polo or fox hunting."

[Comment From Darren]
Tom, is there something wrong with being, as some have termed it, a "Jaysker"? I love Husker football, but support the Jays more in basketball as I live in Omaha and attended Creighton. Is it wrong to want the best of both worlds?
Tom Shatel: I used to make fun of it. I mean, you don't see Auburn football fans rooting for Bama basketball. Go down the list of rivalries and they don't criss-cross. However, the lack of a football option at CU (sorry, Bob Warming-- that's futbol!) means folks in blue have to take a side for their fall passion. Plus, one thing I've realized after 18 years in this community is that folks tend to root for everyone. It's like rooting for the community, for the state. That's a rare thing, not a bad thing, and another reason why "there is no place like Nebraska.''

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