Tuesday, May 11, 2010


PYB apologizes for the unannounced hiatus, but work and travel got in the way the last few days.

1. We've been asked our opinion several times on the possibility of NU to the Big 10. We don't care. Money and greed has ruined 90% of college athletics and this will be the final straw. It is inevitable. Just let us know when it happens. A few years ago would have been nice, as Bill Callahan could have racked up a few conference titles. Also, please let the NU facilities crew know early as well, so they can get a head start growing the crabgrass that is a requirement in the conference. Six inches tall in October, dead by mid-November.

1a. On a related note, let's hope the tightasses in Lincoln don't screw this up. So far, only 14,000 votes are counted and the arena is barely passing. Anyone who votes against it should just go live in a cave for the rest of their days....In case you think we're wrong, click here.

2. Joe Johnson. Pussy Joe got what he wanted when Phoenix wouldn't give him a max contract, and he got traded to Atlanta. He wanted to go be the 'man' somewhere else. After a couple decent playoff runs, Johnson & the Hawks flamed out against Orlando as fans booed them off the court. Now, rumors say he is gone, looking for the next best thing. Keep searching for a title on a team where you can rack up the dollars with little responsibility in bad times. It will never happen. Winners stay and make winning teams....losers head for the hills.

3. PYB wants reader input on a new topic...shitty nicknames...so please send them in. We'll get it started:

Kevin Garnett: The Big Ticket (completely gay & meaningless)
Paul Pierce: The Truth (what the fuck does this mean?)
Amare Stoudemire: STAT (self-named = self-righteous)
Kobe Bryant: Black Mamba (this one cropped up 8 years after he debuted. stupid.)
Lebron James: King James (not stupid itself, but he hasn't conquered a damn thing.)
Glen Davis: Big Baby (no explanation needed)
Any combo of first initial and first half of last name (J-Rich, A-Rod, blah blah)
Ben Roethlisberger: Big Ben (we prefer raping douche)

Stay tuned for updates....


  1. Iverson: The Answer

  2. Great Nickname... Cleveland "Mistake by the Lake"

  3. eric loreman = roach

  4. sylvester armstead = ebony whacker

  5. ato douche bag = j bird

  6. any douche bag with the name 'trey'

  7. tom seiler and his fag friend byron bennettMay 12, 2010 at 8:17 PM

    scotty "shut up or i'll roll over there and kick your ass" baldwin

  8. how about Tripp?
