Monday, November 30, 2009

Woods Punks Out....Three Times...

After blowing off police three times, Eldrick finally goes public on his web site!!?? What a pussy move. Typical, though, for a complete fake whose fake marriage is crumbling before the nation's eyes. Typical, for a fake who 'wants to bring golf to an international level', but only does so when the poor schmucks in Thailand or Australia pony up the $3 million appearance fee.

Obviously, this is why he is a robot. Look at all the furor that surrounds things when he bangs one NYC club slut. Which poses another question: how can you be over age 30 and take yourself seriously when you work at a night club? We'll try to answer that another day.

The 911 transcript has been released, but truly, is a complete waste of your time.

The biggest question in this whole mess: How the hell is his house only valued at $2.4 million? The thing is bigger than his mistress's tits...

And he'll be spending much more than that on his 'Kobe Special'. Especially if he came in the back side of his whore like Mr. Bryant did in Eagle, Colorado. In all seriousness, a marriage you can save by placating your overratedly hot wife with expensive jewelry after you bone another chick is one made in heaven.

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